Target Application: Workflow
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This app includes a collection of tools focusing on Speos sensor simulation and workflows, involving camera or LiDAR sensors.
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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This provides an extra toolbar for SpaceClaim that adds support for Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK). It allows creation of STK "Attach Points" and "Articulations" on a SpaceClaim model, and a means to export the model to STK.
Target Application: Mechanical
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SAVE_DB allows you to save the MAPDL database file without having to solve the Mechanical model, or cause a resolve. Just click the icon and the DB file is saved to the solver directory.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This app enables selecting nodes in the numerical analysis based on different geometries such as rectangular prism, sphere, cylinder cone, torus and ellipsoid shapes.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Select Bodies/Nodes/Elements based on results (e.g. VonMises stresses)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Provide several facilities to create or manipulate selections in Mechanical. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Meshing
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Expose some useful functions for quickly modifying sequential meshing order (mesh parts in a certain sequence)
Target Application: Mechanical
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An advanced tool to automatically create the main components of the ship’s structure from FE mesh (NOT geometry) directly in the Ansys WB environment. The user can automatically create frames and decks no matter how they are placed in the structure. The algorithm analyzes the entire structure and groups the components so that they can be used for further analysis without having to create them manually.
Target Application: Mechanical
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"Shock Load Profile" is an ACT application that allows ANSYS Mechanical users to define shock load as an acceleration-time data.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Ansys Mechanical pre-processing tool to apply a non-linear soil stiffness boundary condition with friction on the structure.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Predict fatigue life in solder joint using Darveaux method
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Automate the CAD cleanup process for general applications and offers model preparation and simplification for Icepak, it exports material properties (if available) for a thermal simulation