optiSLang Deep Learning Extension V1.2

Supports Ansys: 2020 R2
Target Application: Workflow
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Product Info
The optiSLang Deep Learning Extension (DLE) is a package that currently contains one surrogate model, the “Feedforward_network ”.


The optiSLang Deep Learning Extension (DLE) is a package that currently contains one surrogate model, the “Feedforward_network ”. It uses the Keras library with tensorflow as backend to create a MOP by training a neural network. Using neural networks for creating a MOP is especially beneficial if you have a lot of input designs, as its required computational time scales better than that of other surrogate models. After the DLE is set up, you can select it in the MOP node of optiSLang,

Support Information

Ansys inc.
2600 Ansys Drive
T: 724-746-3304