General Axisymmetric Converter V1

Supports Ansys: 19
Target Application: Mechanical
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Product Info
Convert 2D geometry to 3D general axisymmetric elements (geometric axisymmetry with non-axisymmetric loading). See APDL element 272 or 273 for general features. Introduce custom constraint for rigid constraint equations for working with new axisymmetric sections [Contains source code]

General Axisymmetric Converter

Convert 2D geometry to 3D general axisymmetric elements (geometric axisymmetry with non-axisymmetric loading). See APDL element 272 or 273 for general features. Introduce custom constraint for rigid constraint equations for working with new axisymmetric sections [Contains source code]

Support Information

Ansys, inc.
2600 Ansys Drive
T: 724-746-3304