Target Application: Mechanical
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The CivilFEM app enables you to check and design your Ansys® Workbench™ models according to various international standard codes of structural steel and reinforced concrete. These include the European EC3 (EN 1993-1-1:2005) and EC2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC2008) standards, as well as the American Codes AISC ASD/LRDF and ACI 318-14 standards. Additionally, this app supports the American Nuclear Code ACI 349-13. Checks and designs are available for steel and reinforced concrete beams and concrete shells.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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The Ansys Human Body Model (HBM) is a set of HFSS projects containing geometry and material proprieties that represent the human body.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Displays the arbitrary data results stored in an external text file in Ansys Mechanical.
Target Application: Workflow
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This App enables the integration of the turbomachinery design software CFturbo into the ANSYS Workbench. In addition to a connection to TurboGrid, DesignModeler, AnsysMeshing and SpaceClaim, a bi-directional parameter update is possible. Fixed Named selections can be used to create robust workflows.
Target Application: Workflow
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Set up a parametrized geometry for turbomachinery within Ansys Workbench and utilize it for automated workflows.
Target Application: Workflow
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Standalone general-purpose program for creation, inspection and modification of curves. Direct edition approach: curve edition directly in the graphical window instead of modification of spreadsheet points. Various functionalities available such as filtering, FFT, equation editor, differentiation, integration, approximation and interpolation techniques, definition and edition of spline curves, curve extraction from image files etc. Additional functionalities for smoothing and extrapolation of BH magneization curves.
AVX_EFLvsWAVL.ZPL macro automates the focal length distribution extraction in ANSYS Zemax OpticStudio for feeding the AVxcelerate Camera model.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Facilitates the comparison of displacement, strain, and temperature fields obtained from numerical simulations and experiments in Ansys Mechanical.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This extension makes it easy to configure general contact features that were previously only available in Mechanical APDL on Workbench Mechanical.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This is an extension that extracts the contour legend in Mechanical's results display onto a dialog, allowing changes to values and settings to be made at once.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This tool makes it possible to change and save light source settings for all analysis systems in a project at once.
Target Application: AVxcelerate
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The App allows users to test Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors under MORAI’s high-fidelity Digital Twin and user configured driving scenarios.