Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Automate the coupling of Electromagnetic tools (HFSS, Maxwell 3D, Q3D, HFSS Layout) to Icepak in AEDT for an electro-thermal simulation.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Interface to draw the geometry and setup a solution for a transformer or inductor. A database of basic topologies and materials for the commonly used cores is included. Users can define their own winding strategy (Planar or Wound types) enabling automatic creation of all winding turns with rectangular or circular cross section. Automatically setup an Eddy Current Solution with (or without) a Frequency Sweep Definition. Consider the frequency dependent core permeability and core loss Steinmetz coefficients. Allow defining matrix connections. Process to create a frequency dependent R/L model which can be imported into ANSYS Simplorer as a Maxwell Dynamic Eddy Current component.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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This ACT helps automate the process of mapping Boundary Conditions (BCs) from one AEDT Icepak design to another.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Calculate moment of inertia of 2D and 3D objects in Ansys Maxwell and create a Band with assigned value. Allow to calculate the value not depending on it complicity and provide exact value. Help to analyze a model consider mechanical transient processes
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Model radiation fields of antennas and phased arrays without modelling geometry
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Post-processing reports for radar signature simulations in Ansys Electronics Desktop. Provides automatic post-processing of range (echo) profiles, waterfall plots, inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) images, and creation of Range-Doppler maps for dynamic radar scene simulation. A companion post-processing tool to the RADARpre ACT toolkit.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Automate analysis setup for simulation of radar Range Profiles, Waterfall plots and Inverse Synthetic Aperture (ISAR) images in the Ansys Electronics Desktop.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Guided process to easily create parametric planar, simple or 3D complex Coils
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Allow to automatically create a 3D step-skewed electrical machine. One can set either same skew angles and height for each slice or use equal parameters for each slice. Only need is 2D Maxwell Design and to fill the parameters of future machine
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Twin Builder component library of Toshiba devices
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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This Wizard helps setup a vacuum thermal model with Icepak in AEDT.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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This ACT will write thermal loads files. This can help pass temperatures from AEDT Icepak to Mechanical in Workbench.