Target Application: Mechanical
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Refer to a simplified way to use the TCD (Theory of Critical Distances) approach. Exploit a mesh of specific dimensions to evaluate the stress condition in components which present notches and other stress concentration features (such as cracks, weld beads...)
Target Application: Fluent
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The TU Delft COVID App standardized the CFD calculation setup of the behaviour of an infected patient which cause the spread of the virus. Default settings for the human expiratory activities (sneezing, coughing, speaking and breathing) enabling engineers and scientists with a basic level of fluid dynamics skills to perform reliable contagion risk calculations in customized environments.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Create an object to be able to apply a spatially varying tangential pressure
Target Application: Mechanical
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This App calculates LCF/TMF life (based on BAM damage model) of a component operating at high temperature changes in its operational time. . The life is calculated based on accumulated damage.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Create an object to be able to apply (and visualize) a time dependent hydrostatic pressure
Target Application: Mechanical
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The objective of this App is to automate the set up creation to simulate the welding process in ANSYS Mechanical in order to predict welding distortion
Target Application: Mechanical
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This App provides an easy-to-use way for visualization and processing of x-y-data. It covers preprocessing functionality, like creating force-, displacement- or velocity-profiles. It also provides functions for postprocessing like visualization and manipulation of curves or graph creation.